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Watermelon Twitter Party

All About Watermelon and Twitter Party

Jul 7, 2016

Watermelon barley salad by Emily RichardsSummer heat is really on and what better way to cool down than with delicious, juicy watermelon!

Here is the 1,2,3 of how to select watermelon from our friends at the National Watermelon Promotion Board:

  1. Look the watermelon over. You are looking for a firm, symmetrical watermelon that is free from bruises, cuts or dents.
  2. Lift it up. The watermelon should be heavy for its size. Watermelon is 92% water; most of the weight is water.
  3. Turn it over. The underside of the watermelon should have a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun. This is called the sun spot or yellow belly. (Watermelon does not continue to ripen after it has been picked – as some fruits, like pears do.)

Watermelon should be stored in the fridge and will last up to a week uncut. Once cut, wrap tightly with plastic wrap and store in the fridge. Use quickly after it is cut!

Wash the outer rind of the watermelon and then slice into wedges, or cut away the rind and cut the flesh into chunks.

Everyone looks forward to watermelon season! This delicious fruit is a favourite when served as is, but is also enjoyed in drinks and salads. It’s in season from July to September.  A ½ cup of watermelon only has 24 calories.  Watermelon is a source of Vitamin C. Did you also know that watermelon is 92% water? A great way to stay hydrated this summer!

Here are some of our favourite watermelon recipes:

Watermelon and Grilled Halloumi Barley Salad. This refreshing and bright salad is perfect for backyard get together quickly becoming a favourite.

Salt and Pepper Watermelon from Chef Michael Smith.  This combination may seem odd but once you taste this side dish you’ll be absolutely hooked.

Watermelon, Lime and Mint Juice from Feats of Feasts.  This juice has ingredients that will whet the appetite and make you feel tropical.

Summer Fruit Bruschetta from Nutrition a la Natalie.  A wonderful combination of sweet and salty for a summer appetizer!

Watermelon Popsicles. A great way to get your children to get the health benefits from watermelon is to make eating it fun.  Nothing says summer fun quite like a Popsicle and this icy delight is sure to cool your child down while lifting up their vitamin intake.

Watermelon Twitter PartyJoin the National Watermelon Promotion Board and Food Bloggers of Canada for a watermelon Twitter Party on July 13th! We know we’ll be there 🙂



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