Fruits From A-Z


Nutrition Information

1 serving = 90 g (1 fruit)

  •  Very high in Vitamin C (343% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  •  Very high in Vitamin C (343% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  •  High in folacin (20% Recommended Daily Intake per serving)
  • Source of potassium (256 mg per serving)
  • Sodium-free (2 mg per serving)
Look For

Firm, green or yellow, free of blemishes.

To Store

Cover and refrigerate ripe fruit for a day or two. Ripen at room temperature, out of direct sun until yields to gentle pressure.

To Prepare

Cut in half crosswise and scoop out flesh or peel and thinly slice. Use in desserts and fruit salad. Fragrant flesh contains edible pips and tastes sweet-tart.

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