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Mediterranean Lentil Salad

Half Your Plate at Work Challenge

Jan 16, 2017

Mediterranean Lentil Salad

We know the work day can provide a bit of a block for you trying to fill #halfyourplate so we want to challenge you to change that!  From January 16th – January 27th we want to see you filling #halfyourplate at your breakfast, lunch or dinner in the work place.  The challenge is simple: take a top down photo of your meal showing that half your plate is filled with produce and tweet or Instagram it with the hashtag #halfyourplate and #HYPworkchallenge.  To keep things going challenge a friend or co worker to do the same in your past!  You can participate more than once and selected posts will be featured in a future blog post.

To help you out, here are some of our favourite easy lunch recipes!

Lentil Mushroom Spinach Stuffed Peppers: Make loads of these, freeze them and grab them to go for lunch!

Mediterranean Lentil Salad: This bright salad can be packed the night before with the dressing on the side.

Veggie Loaded Chickpea Salad: This salad was developed by one of our On- Campus Ambassadors so it’s been tested to be quick, easy and delicious!

Spiced Parsnip Soup with Smoked Paprika Almonds:  Soup is a tasty way to fill half your bowl at lunch and you can make a big batch at the beginning of the week to last you a while.

Egg and Sweet Potato Open Faced Sandwich:   Everyone loves a good lunch sandwich and these ones have a touch of sweet curry.

Mushroom and Spinach Braid: These braids are a fun way to showcase more veggies and pack really well for lunch.

Spinach Filled Pumpkin Koftas: These koftas are like a hearty meatball but filled with the goodness of spinach and feta.

Still looking for inspiration? Check out our Pinterest board for great lunch ideas!  We can’t wait to see your plate!



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