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Salmon on Veggie and Leek Lentils

Pairing your produce with seafood!

Jun 25, 2015

Do you have a great summer catch?  One of our favourite summertime activities is going fishing or buying fresh seafood from a local market.  Seafood is at its freshest now and we’ve got some delicious half your plate inspired sides that pair perfectly with your dinner.Tomato Salad - Yelo WEB

Is your fish breaded?  While breaded fish is a crowd pleaser it’s also a heavy dish. Pair breaded or fried fish with light greens such as salads or lightly sautéed veggies.  We love these flash-cooked greens with garlic and this flavour-packed spring salad!

White fish, such as halibut or cod pair well with citrus-y, herb-y and garlic-y sides. Try this minted carrot and orange salad, these grilled broccoli and tomato skewers, or this grilled onion and vegetable risotto. For a refreshing twist, you can also pair it with mango!

Mahi-Mahi is a meaty like fish so it can go with some heftier sides. Try roasted vegetables like these red-skin potato kebabs or this medley of rainbow roasted veggies!

Lastly, if salmon is on your menu today, try to pair it up with the sauce you’re using.  If you have a miso or Asian style sauce with your salmon try an Asian inspired salad. For lemony salmon use a simply put together asparagus and beans. If salmon burgers are on the BBQ why not some classic sweet potato fries to go with them! If you’ve opted for smoked salmon, try this fresh grilled zucchini and smoked salmon salad! You can also try our absolute favorite, salmon on veggie and leek lentils.

Salmon on Veggie and Leek LentilsWhat are you favourite sides to pair with seafood?  Check out our recipe section for some great ideas and let us know!  Looking for even more recipes? Our ambassador Chef Michael Smith also has quite the collection of seafood recipes.



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